How to maintain commercial solar battery storage systems?

In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of solar energy technology, energy storage system technology has become easier for enterprises to use. For enterprises, the use of commercial solar battery storage systems is a sustainable solution for managing energy demand and supply when energy prices increase significantly due to the reduction of oil resources and war. Solar is known to have reduced electricity costs by more than 90% for some of our customers.

commercial solar battery storage system can save businesses money

What is commercial solar battery storage system?

A commercial solar battery storage system is a large-scale energy storage system. Energy storage can help companies reduce energy bills. This is due to the fact that the solar system will store energy when the solar panels produce energy but the company cannot fully consume it, reducing unnecessary waste.

while providing enough energy when the business needs it to run the most critical loads when the grid is shut down. Or to smooth out peak demand configurations by using stored solar energy instead of grid energy when demand peaks. In addition, energy storage systems can improve grid stability and reduce carbon footprints for enterprises.

Finally, when a company encounters power problems such as power outages, the commercial solar battery storage system can also act as an ups, preventing the company from suffering significant financial losses.


How does the commercial solar battery storage system work?

First, solar panels capture sunlight and convert it through photovoltaic reactions to become more sustainable and support the transition to more sustainable electricity. The converted energy can be directly linked to the load for use.

Then, unused solar energy can be stored by combining solar energy with battery storage when designing a commercial solar battery storage system. When the sun loses its chance to work, such as at night or on cloudy or rainy days, businesses can use the energy stored in batteries.

In a grid-connected system, when the stored power cannot be consumed or is stored in the battery and still has no destination. Electricity can be sold to the grid to increase return on investment, allowing companies to invest money in more important research and development or produce faster.

Battery system in commercial solar battery storage system

As an important component of the commercial solar battery storage system, the battery will greatly reduce the solar energy utilization of the system once it is missing. When used as a renewable energy source in isolation, solar energy is often not a reliable power source. Without batteries to convert solar energy into electricity and store it, all systems would no longer provide energy when night falls. And such a system cannot solve any problems for enterprises.

Since commercial battery storage systems are designed to store large amounts of energy at one time, in order to meet the high energy demands of commercial operations, a solar energy storage system typically uses many specialized commercial solar cells to form battery clusters. Among battery types, the market will favor lithium batteries more. This is because these lithium batteries will intelligently control charge, discharge and load usage through the BMS system.

So choosing a supplier that can provide excellent batteries will be the best way to build a commercial solar battery storage system

an important challenge. As a company with 15 years of experience in battery production, Pknergy provides customers with Class A lithium-ion batteries as high-quality energy storage units. Their average life span is 10 to 15 years, and they are accepted by the market for their high efficiency and longevity. Helping customers use stable, safe and efficient batteries is our constant goal. Get a free design plan from a professional commercial solar battery storage system designer now.

Pknergy Commercial Solar Battery Storage System

How commercial solar batteries help companies optimize the duck curve

The duck curve is like a graph that shows how the supply and demand for electricity changes in the power system, especially as solar generation increases. This curve tells us that because solar power generation sometimes rises and falls, the power grid must be able to flexibly respond to such changes.

The smoothest way to travel is to stagger the flow of people. The commercial solar battery storage system allows companies to reduce energy costs by reducing the need to go out when electricity prices are high.

Imagine that sometimes solar panels produce more electricity than we need. Commercial solar battery storage systems are like big batteries. They save extra electricity when there’s more than we need. Later, like at night or when a lot of people are using electricity, this saved electricity is really useful.

There are two main advantages to this. First, it makes the electricity grid more stable and less dependent on older ways of making electricity, like using coal or oil. Second, it can save money. Buying electricity during times when everyone’s using a lot of it can be costly, but using the stored electricity instead can be cheaper. You can save this cost by using your own saved electricity.

Footprint of commercial solar battery storage system

The determining factor of the size of commercial solar battery storage system mainly depends on the scale of electricity. If you need a small energy storage system of 215kwh, it may only occupy about 2 square meters of space. If you need a larger energy storage system, such as a 1MW energy storage system, using a more vivid object as an example, it is the size of a container. Because usually large energy storage systems must be equipped with safety systems and cooling systems, they will use more space.

Secondly, not all projects can be constructed according to the needs of enterprises. Some particularly large commercial solar battery storage systems require the consent of the local government. At the same time, a large energy storage system also means that you must set up enough solar panels to obtain solar energy, otherwise you will not be able to meet the target design energy demand. At the same time, designing the placement of solar panels based on site conditions has also become a crucial link. Choosing different solar panels will directly affect the design.


Types of solar panels

There are three main types of solar panels: monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and thin-film solar panels.

Monocrystalline silicon solar panels:

The photoelectric conversion efficiency of monocrystalline silicon solar cells is about 18%, with the highest reaching 24%. This is the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency among all types of solar cells, and its service life can reach 25 years.

Polycrystalline silicon solar panels:

The photoelectric conversion efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar cells is much lower, and its photoelectric conversion efficiency is about 16%. The cost of production is low and hence it is developed in large quantities.

Thin-film solar panels:

Its main advantage is that it can generate electricity under low light conditions. However, the main problem of amorphous silicon solar cells is that the photoelectric conversion efficiency is low, about 10%, and it is not stable enough. As time goes by, its conversion efficiency decays.

Finally, there is the budget. Budget is the main factor, but don’t worry, a limited budget may result in a smaller initial installation, but leave room for expansion to accommodate future needs and budget increases. Pknergy will design commercial solar battery storage system construction for each project based on the company’s needs and budget, ensuring that all costs remain competitive within the industry.

Can the commercial solar battery storage system be expanded?

Many companies will encounter a problem when using commercial solar battery storage systems. As the company expands or wants to increase the company’s overall solar energy usage, can we add batteries to the existing solar energy?

The answer is yes. Commercial solar battery energy storage systems are modular in design and can be flexibly expanded. As enterprises’ demand for solar energy gradually increases. Additional power can be added to the system by adding corresponding modules. Pknergy provides battery expansion project construction. We will select a series of hardware options from internationally recognized battery and power electronics suppliers based on the configuration of the customer’s existing commercial solar battery storage system, and make complete project arrangements to ensure that all Newly added components are compatible with existing systems.

Maintenance of commercial solar battery storage system

Please perform regular maintenance on the system. Because regular maintenance of the system can increase the operating time by 20% to 30%. Checking at the same time can help prevent potential performance issues and ensure your battery remains in good condition over the long term.

Utilize software or monitoring tools to track system performance. Monitoring any significant changes in performance can help identify problems early. The commercial solar battery storage system built by pknergy adopts a battery management system, which consists of a three-layer architecture composed of BMU, CMU and GPC.

BMS has functions such as high-precision analog signal detection and reporting, fault alarm, upload storage, battery protection, parameter setting, active balancing, battery SOC calibration, and information interaction with other devices.


How does Pknergy build a commercial solar battery storage system?

For many organizations looking to manage energy costs by offsetting demand charges, adopting solar and energy storage has become part of their strategy. With the cost savings from installing commercial battery storage, organizations can invest in their growing business.

Choose pknergy to work with you to create solutions tailored to your operational needs, enabling cost-effective storage allocation and energy utilization when and where it is needed most. From initial consultation to design, installation, system operations and maintenance services, we provide turnkey resources to streamline the entire process for you.

How to start from scratch owning a commercial solar battery storage system and working for an enterprise?
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